The 1st Round Application for S.1 Admissions
in Academic Year 2025 – 2026 has closed.
Application for S.1 Admissions in Academic Year 2025 – 2026 (1st Round)
2025 - 2026 學年中一入學申請須知 (第一輪申請)
TTCA accepts online applications for S.1 admissions ONLY. Please submit ONE application per child.
基崇只接受網上申請,每位申請人只限提交一次申請。 -
Basic Information 基本資料
Application Period: 1 November, 2024 to 10 January, 2025
Interview Dates: 25 January, 8 February, or 15 February, 2025
面試日期:2025年1月25日、2月8日及2月15日 -
Announcement of Results: Mid-March
Online Application 網上報名
Parents or guardians should ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete. Please be reminded to upload the required documents listed as follows:
A recent photo of the student 學生近照
HKID card / Passport/ Visa 香港身份證 / 護照 / 簽證
Academic reports of each term in Primary 5 小五各學期學生成績表副本
Academic reports of the first term in Primary 6 (can be submitted on the day of interview)
小六上學期成績表副本 (可於面試當日補交) -
At most 4 diplomas / certificates of special skills and achievement awards (if any)
4項課外活動、服務及其他特別才藝之文憑/證書、獎狀副本 (如有)
Non-local applicants are advised to read Point 8(c) and Point 9 carefully.
學生申請人請細閱第八點(c)及第九點 -
It is the parents or guardians’s responsibility to provide an accurate and valid email address for correspondence. If you do not receive the application confirmation email after submitting your application, please first check your junk or spam mailbox. If you still cannot find it, contact the Admissions Team at admission@ttca.edu.hk within 3 working days.
家長或監護人須確保所提供的電郵地址正確及有效以作聯絡之用。如在遞交報名表格後,沒有收到申請確認電郵,請先檢查郵件是否落入垃圾郵箱。如仍然找不到,請於三個工作天內以電郵聯絡本校收生組(admission@ttca.edu.hk)。 -
All personal data provided will be treated in strict confidentiality and used for admissions-related purposes by the school only. Information will be destroyed once the admissions procedure is completed.
Application Fee 申請費用
Application Fee: HK$100 (non-refundable and non-transferable)
申請費用港幣一佰元正(不設退款及不可轉讓)。 -
Payments should be made by credit card through the e-Application System for S.1 admissions.
家長需透過網上申請平台 (e-Application System for S. 1 Admissions) 以信用咭繳交報名費。 -
Failure to settle the payment would render the application unsuccessful.
Applications are assessed based on the following criteria 收生評估所涵蓋的範疇如下:
Performance in admission exams 入學試表現
Conduct of each term should be B or above 學生各學期操行必須為B級或以上
Academic results and applicant’s EDB (Education Bureau) rank order 學業成績及教育局成績次第
Extra-curricular activities participation and community services 課外活動的參與及社區服務
Interview 面試
Each applicant may select one of the above dates to attend the interview. However, please note that the time of interview is allocated by the system.
申請者可選擇上述其中一天面試,但面試時間則會由電腦安排。 -
The interview date and timeslot allocated will be confirmed by email on 20 January, 2025.
本校將於2025年1月20日透過電郵確認學生之面試日期及時間。 -
Please note that the interview date and time cannot be modified. Thank you for your understanding.
Admissions Results 申請結果
The results of S.1 admissions will be released by email. Please refrain from calling the school to inquire about the results.
取錄結果將透過電郵公佈。恕不接受電話查詢。 -
Parents of successful applicants are required to sign the “Parent’s Undertaking Form” in person at the school and settle the tuition deposit of HKD$1180 by the due date. Applicants who fail to do will forfeit the place offered.
Tuition Fee and Scholarships 學費及獎學金
The S.1 tuition fee should be settled in 10 monthly installments. The current tuition fee for S.1 in the academic year 2024-2025 is HK$41,500. The tuition fee for the 2025-2026 is currently pending review.
中一學費分十期繳費,二零二四/二零二五年度中一學費為HK$41,500,而二零二五/二零二六年度學費仍待審批。 -
Scholarships and bursaries are granted to diligent students and students with financial difficulties respectively. For details, please refer to the school website “Useful Information” > “Scholarships and Financial Assistance Schemes for Students”.
校方設立獎學金予勤奮向學及助學金予經濟困難之學生。詳情參閱基督教崇真中學網頁內Useful Information /奬學金及學生資助計劃須知。
(https://www.ttca.edu.hk/useful-information) -
Non-permanent residents of Hong Kong are entitled to a different tuition fee. Please contact the school for further information.
如學生並非香港永久居民,學費將有所不同,請致電本校查詢學費及詳情。 -
The application forms for fee remission and scholarship can be obtained from the General Office, or downloaded from the school website under “Useful Information” starting in mid-August.
學生資助計劃申請表或獎學金申請表可於八月中旬向本校校務處索取,或登入學校網頁Useful Information下載申請表格。
Non-local Student 非本地學生申請人
Non-local applicants should enclose the following in their applications:
A photocopy of the approval from the Director of Immigration for the purpose of study
獲入境事務處處長批准入學的証明文件影印本 -
A photocopy of a valid travel document and Visa showing the permitted duration of stay in Hong Kong
Applicants holding a Form of Recognizance will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants will not be admitted until the school receives a confirmation of admission from the Senior School Development Officer and Director of Immigration.
TTCA uses English as the medium of instruction. All lessons, apart from Chinese, Chinese History and some specified subjects, are conducted in English. An assessment in Putonghua will be held in July for admitted students who have opted for Putonghua as the medium of instruction for Chinese Language. The decision of the school shall be final.