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The Department of Citizenship, Economics & Society

The Department of Citizenship & Social Development

The departments strives to foster students to become independent scholars with critical thinking and the ability to analyze contemporary issues in multiple perspectives; to cultivate students’ respect and appreciation towards various stakeholders in the society understanding their diversified cultures and demands; to facilitate students’ development on positive moral standards and values building up on the knowledge and concept for coping with the ever changing world in the future as responsible citizens in the society. Aligned with the medium of instruction of our school, English is used in both junior and senior form classes enabling a platform for the transfer of knowledge between different subjects and the connection to the global society. Classes using Chinese as the medium of instruction are available in senior forms.

Curriculum Information

Junior Curriculum 

S.1 to S.3 classes adopt a modular approach by introducing various modules in the Citizenship, Economics and Society curriculum, providing a solid knowledge foundation to students before their promotion to senior forms. Combined with learning and thinking skills, students will be equipped with both the fundamental concepts and skills for their senior secondary years. 

Senior Curriculum

Our senior form curriculum is based on HKDSE syllabus. A scaffolding approach is adopted to bridge the difference between junior forms and public assessment. Students will gradually develop their ability to handling public assessments and apply their knowledge and skills developed in S.1 to S.3.

Outside the Classroom

The Taiwan Leaning Trip jointly organized by the Visual Arts Department and the former Liberal Studies Department: A group of senior form students had the opportunity to explore the other side of this city immersing themselves in the local streets and culture at Easter 2016.


Public Lectures, Workshops and Competitions: We encourage our students to develop a deeper understanding on specific topics by participating in public seminars, training workshops and inter-school competitions.

  • Teen Talk 2018 Mock Legislative Council Debate Competition: Two teams were awarded “最卓越隊伍 (Final 8)” and “最傑出表現獎” by The Law Society of Hong Kong among 112 teams in the competition.


OLE Activities: To bring Liberal Studies into daily life, we organize visits to different organizations. Each S.4 and S.5 student will have the chance to join at least one activity throughout the year. Organizations visited in the past years include:

  • Air Quality Monitoring Station

  • Ambulance Depot

  • Animal Waste Composting Plant

  • Chemical Waste Treatment Centre

  • Court of Final Appeal

  • Food Angel

  • Gingko House

  • Groundworks

  • High Court

  • Hong Kong House of Stories

  • Khalsa Diwan Sikh Temple

  • Legislative Council

  • Lo Wu Correctional Institution

  • Ocean Park

  • RTHK Young Politicians

  • Sai Ying Pun Manhole Covers Guided Tour

  • Sha Tin Community Green Station

  • South East New Territories Landfill

  • Tao Heung Museum of Food Culture

  • The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

  • Tung Tau Correctional Institution

  • Viva Blue House

Chinese History



  1. 達到4C(Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity)的訓練

  2. 以小組學習提高學生對中國歷史的興趣

  3. 以預習教學培養學生的積極自主學習能力

  4. 掌握運用史料、評價史實、推論前因、組織表達及正反論證的技巧

  5. 認識古人的得失,建立正確積極的價值觀及國民意識



  1. 本校以能力導向作為設計初中課程的大原則,用各個專題來訓練學生組織表達、分析因果、舉例、分類、比較、評價、正反論證及詮釋各類歷史資料等能力,層層遞進。

  2. 初中進行課程剪裁,有利於增加史事探究的深度及銜接高中課程。

  3. 本校採用生動的專題活動教學,加強知識趣味,亦以趣味預習導學案,推動自主學習。學生透過自理筆記,有更清晰歷史脈絡,亦能透過課堂討論活動,容易代入歷史人物及當時環境,進行全方位的思考。

  4. 初中測考及家課的題型與高中相近,有助於銜接高中課程,而且著重於評估學生是否理解史事,以及學生的各種共通能力,而非學生的背誦能力。



  1. 本校採用探究式學習方法,以備課、課業及課堂討論讓同學全面認識課題。

  2. 由於中史的議題並不是「非黑即白」,所以課堂上常有辯論及小組討論活動,令同學能掌握正反論證的深入分析方法。

  3. 由於答題多為短論文形式,教學尤重訓練同學表達組織之能力,令同學能清晰表達引言、立場、論點、例子及結論。

  4. 本校著重於提升學生詮釋文獻、漫畫、圖片、照片、數據、宣傳畫等歷史資料的能力,加強學生的史學技能。

  5. 選修方面,本校主要選取「單元三:時代與知識分子」作為選修單元。


  1. 舉辦高中北韓、北京文化考察團及內蒙古、中俄邊境、長春考察團

  2. 舉辦中史學習日,讓同學可以以遊戲、砌模型、問答比賽等形式多了解中國歷史,而且活動均由高中生籌辦,體現學生主導精神

  3. 參加香港大學中國歷史研究文學碩士課程同學會主辦的香港青年史學家年獎及中國歷史研習獎勵計劃並獲獎

  4. 參加校際中史問答比賽

  5. 主辦聯校中史文憑試模擬試

  6. 舉辦本地考察,如參觀香港歷史博物館、大館及元創坊


The Department of Economics

Suggested by the popular Japanese anime ‘Fullmetal Alchemist’, the fundamental principle of alchemy is the “exchange of equal values”. Interestingly enough, this principle of alchemy somehow corresponds to an economic principle – whenever people want to satisfy their wants, they would have to make sacrifice. Such sacrifice refers to a core concept of economics – opportunity cost.

Economics is a very intriguing subject in a sense that its concepts and theories could be verified or applied in every aspect of daily life. By developing students’ basic economic knowledge and skills, and an awareness of different values, this subject will help them to make rational economic choices for their own lives and evaluate decisions made by different parties in society.

Curriculum Information

Senior Curriculum


  • To develop students’ knowledge and understanding about 

  1. fundamental economic theories, basic economic problems faced by every individual and society.

  2. the underlying considerations and forces in the economic decisions that need to be made by individuals, firms, institutions and governments.


  • To develop students’ skills on

  1. interpreting economic information presented verbally, numerically or graphically.

  2. applying their economic knowledge to a variety of problems and issues in a range of economic contexts.

  3. analysing information through the use of economic concepts and theories.

  4. communicating economic ideas and informed judgements in a clear, logical and appropriate manner.

developing students’ value and attitude so that they may communicate economic ideas and informed judgements in a clear, logical and appropriate manner.

Outside the Classroom

Our department also actively seeks learning resources outside of classroom including workshops and seminars organised by external organisations. Our students are encouraged to participate in events, such as research competitions organised by the Hong Kong Association for Economics Education, Econschool, and the Youth Economic Forum co-organised by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Education Bureau, to broaden their horizons.


The Department of Geography

The Department of Geography aims to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:

  1. how natural environments influence human activities, and how human activities impact on natural environments;

  2. the changing development of geographical phenomena and issues in terms of space and time;

  3. the characteristics of major natural environments and human activities through analyzing the processes and interactions with and between them.

  4. the importance of being active and responsible citizens.

Curriculum Information

Junior Curriculum

The junior curriculum is wide-ranging and topical. The core modules are Using Urban Space Wisely, Living with Natural Hazards and Food Problems. The elective modules are Changing Climate, Changing Environments and map reading skills.

Senior Curriculum

TTCA students taking Geography in their senior years will be studying a compulsory syllabus which includes Living with Our Physical Environment, Facing Changes in the Human Environment and Confronting Global Challenges. The electives available for students are Dynamic Earth and Weather and Climate.

Fieldwork-based study will also be covered in the learning and teaching of both the compulsory and elective parts.

In both junior and senior years, students are expected to develop:

  • geographical enquiry skills, including the ability to:

  1. identify and ask questions from a geographical perspective;

  2. locate, select and extract appropriate information and data from primary and secondary sources;

  3. present and organise information and data – which involves the ability to use the appropriate techniques for summarizing using the appropriate formats, such as texts (e.g. reports, tables, summaries, etc.) and illustrations (such as maps, diagrams, models, sketches, and graphs)

  • generic skills of communication, critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity through geographical enquiries, in particular, the ability to:

  1. select the appropriate means of effective communication;

  2. draw out meaning from information and determine whether the information should be trusted;

  3. analyse problems through logical reasoning, and determine the optimal course of action from a number of alternatives;

  4. view situations from different perspectives and adopt the appropriate approaches to analyse problems.

Outside the Classroom

The Geography department firmly subscribes to the view that this subject is at its best when exploring outside the classroom through local and overseas field trips.  Our students have explored numerous places including Cheung Chau, High Island Reservoir, Ma Shi Chau, Po Toi Island, Tung Chung River and Sharp Island.


The topics we covered in the past years are ‘The Geology of Cheung Chau’, ‘The Geology of Sharp Island’, ‘The Geology of Ma Shi Chau’, ‘The Geology and Coastal Landforms of High Island Reservoir’, ‘The ecology of Tung Chung River’ and ‘The Geology and Geographical Landscapes of Po Toi Island’.


Our students are provided with opportunities to overseas field trips in collaboration with different departments including a Canada trip to see the aurora co-organised with the Physics department and a cultural exchange trip in North Korea co-organised with the department of Chinese History.


In the coming years, we are going to explore more field trip sites for our students. We would also like to hear from you about any new ideas and insights for learning outside the classroom.


The Department of History

The Department of History at TTCA is established with the aim to:

  1. To enable students to discover where they stand in the contemporary world through understanding the origins and development of ancient and modern events.

  2. To enable students to develop the skills of critical thinking, making sound judgments and effective communication though exploring historical issues

  3. To enable students to understand the characteristics and values of their own culture and appreciate the shared humanity and common problems of the world’s population.

Curriculum Information

Junior Curriculum

S1 to S3 students at TTCA travel from ancient civilizations, through the Medieval Period, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution and to the two World Wars. The curriculum aims at developing students’ understanding of basic historical concepts – such as cause and effect, change and continuity, and similarities and differences.

Senior Curriculum

When students move on to S4 to S6, they are ready to study the inter-relations of major events and movements that have occurred in Hong Kong, China, Japan and Southeast Asia and the world in the 20th century. They will be equipped with the skills to distinguish facts form opinions; detect biased viewpoints, ambiguous assumptions and unsubstantiated arguments; and present proper historical perspectives, and logical and coherent arguments through the proper selection and organization of historical data.

Outside the Classroom

We always encourage our students to learn outside the classroom. We organize museum visit for students to broaden their understanding of history. Through the Oral History workshop from the Hong Kong Heritage Project, our students can understand the local history from a new perspective.

Christian Ethics



  1. 學生能夠明白救恩,對基督教信仰有正面和積極的態度;

  2. 學生能夠系統化地學習,認識聖經(宗教)知識;

  3. 學生能夠從日常生活中實踐聖經的教導和價值觀,建立整全的人格;

  4. 學生能夠引用基督教立場和原則來分析事物。

  5. 配合學校目標之相關部分。


  1. 採用有效的教學法及教學工具,提升學生對本科的學習興趣和學習效能。

  2. 檢討本科課程,並配合本校「個人、社會及人文教育」(PSHE) 學習領域的課程統整計劃,以及基督教價值教育的發展,予以實踐課程改革。

  3. 優化本科的評估模式。

  4. 讓學生建立良好的學習習慣。


  1. 中一級:網上及文本聖經故事分享、社會服務的理念與反思

  2. 中二級:詩歌分享

  3. 中三級:宗教及生命教育閱讀報告

  4. 中四級:信徒見證分享

  5. 中五級:微電影欣賞與反思

  6. 中六級:人生交叉點 (以基督教倫理角度探討生涯規劃)

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